pancake, bacon with fork anyone?
Anyways. . I was driving to the provo mall when I came to a stop light. For some reason the car in front of me had lined it's backseat with rubber duckies. . .for
some reason this made me angry. I wanted to run into it. Why? I have no idea. I had to turn so I wouldn't give these manic rubber ducky coloradians the evil eye. I suppose backseat lined with rubber ducks goes right along with the words belly, tummy, blouse and panties. Sorry for the crappy picture, it was the best I could do. Here is an ode to the people who ruined my day.
that is all. Good Night.
BAHAHA that's hillarious
wow! haha hm.. im with you with tummy belly but why panties? thats funny! leave the rubber duck lovers alone, besides your mom taught logan how to shoplift for the first time and it was a rubber duck!
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